Top Five Non-Profit Podcasts For Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs

With as many as 37% of Americans reported to listen to at least one podcast per month, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the rising popularity of podcasts is not slowing down anytime soon.

As the number of US listeners is projected to reach 125 million in 2022, we can already see a wider variety of shows and genres being explored, including a growing number of inspiring non-profit podcasts.

So, if you’re looking for a more accessible and engaging way of keeping up with the causes you care about the most, here are our recommendations for the best non-profit podcast shows, spanning a variety of charitable initiatives and topics!

Non-profit organizations podcast recommendations

Learn From These Non-Profit Fundraising Podcasts 

Raising funds for your chosen cause is always going to be one of the most challenging parts of running a successful charitable organization.

Whether you’re looking to help a local charity’s fundraising department or you’re one of many social entrepreneurs and non-profit professionals looking to take your contribution to the next level, there’s a lot you can learn from these non-profit organizations’ podcasts!

Non-Profits Are Messy Podcast

Packed with personality, featuring plenty of guests, and full of valuable fundraising insights, the Non-Profits Are Messy Podcast with Joan Garry is a great resource for diving deeper into some of the industry’s most challenging topics.

The show was born out of a need for Joan Garry to explore her blog insights in a little more depth. Each 40 to 50 minutes episode focuses on interviewing non-profit leaders to get personal perspectives on fundraising, marketing, and organizational strategies.

You can expect to find a new episode published roughly every two weeks, and you can participate in making the show by sharing yours idea for a future episodes — just fill out the form in advance!

Smart Communications for Non-Profits from Big Duck Branding

We all know that strategic and effective communication is key when you’re looking to make the most out of your fundraising efforts, and there’s no better place to get the insights you need than heading over to Big Duck’s Smart Communications Podcast.

With episodes ranging from 15 to 25 minutes, this is an incredible resource for getting bite-sized insights on the most pressing communication and branding challenges you might face as a non-profit professional.

Big Duck’s podcast releases new episodes roughly every week or two, covering a wide range of topics spanning from leveraging Google Analytics’ data to crafting effective messaging campaigns for fundraising.


Non-profit advocacy takes lots of forms: organizational, individual, and those in between. Once you’ve got all the insights you need from the inspiring philanthropy podcasts that pique your curiosity the most, you can learn more about how you can support our food relief non-profit work here.

Best Podcasts for Non-Profit Leadership

Non-profit leaders and senior professionals can definitely benefit from hearing a fresh perspective on age-old problems in the non-profit industry, including leadership challenges and strategies.

Listening to an inspiring non-profit podcast discussing the ins and outs of leadership within NGOs and charities can help you advance the social innovation you’re striving to champion with your work.

But what are the best shows you should be adding to your list?

Lead Stories Podcast

The flagship podcast of Lead Stories Media, is Jo Saxton and Stephanie Williams O’Brien’s inspiring show. It is a collection of personal tales of leadership and empowerment — the perfect listen for forward-thinking innovators looking to learn and grow within their role.

As the two charismatic co-hosts take you through their personal experiences in leadership roles, you’ll be able to engage with a diverse range of eye-opening topics such as the meaning of leadership, effective decision-making, and Agile crisis control.

While the podcast is not specifically directed toward non-profit leaders, their core message is certainly an uplifting one for NGO workers: To become more intentional with each action we take as part of our leadership position, as well as learning how to create a powerful, positive impact through your work.

First Day Back Podcast

First Day Back is a documentary podcast series focused on highlighting the inspiring stories of people overcoming some of their lives’ biggest challenges.

In the latest season of the series, host and creator Tally Abecassis follows the personal comeback story of comedian Jason Weems, a man who decided to turn a sudden traumatic event into inspiration for his creative work. 

These stories of resilience and agency can be particularly inspiring for charity leaders and other industry professionals, showing that no matter how many times life can take you down, you can always come back stronger and more motivated than ever!

Accenture Non-Profit Podcasts

Accenture is a well-known Irish-domiciled consulting agency with an international reach. Their latest podcast venture is definitely another insightful initiative non-profit leaders should pay attention to.

The podcast focuses on telling the story of inspiring business leaders from all over the world, highlighting how they’re leveraging their influence to make a tangible difference and use their companies as catalysts for positive change. 

Accenture is not new to discussing the impact of non-profit work and how these organizations can employ the latest technology to further their cause. You can expect a great number of eye-opening leadership insights with every listen!

Non-profit organizations podcast for fundraising

Keep Up with Our Progress

Podcast shows are not only a great medium for learning more about the non-profit industry and the skills needed to succeed in it, but they’re also a great way to keep up with what your favorite organizations are doing.

If you want to hear more from us and keep up with our emergency food relief action, there are plenty of successful non-profit podcasts you can check out to hear our representatives share our core message, along with any updates our followers and donors should know about.

They might inspire you to start researching food insecurity issues or even to contribute to our cause by leaving a legacy donation or a one-off contribution — when it comes to helping charitable organizations carry out their initiatives and expand their scope, every little bit helps!


Inspired? Looking for a more direct way to give back? You can check out our volunteer opportunities here.

You Can Help!
Support the important work of Food for Life Global to serve its international network of over 200 affiliates in 60 countries.
Food for Life Global is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 36-4887167. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Food For Life Global’s primary mission is to bring about peace and prosperity in the world through the liberal distribution of pure plant-based meals prepared with loving intention.
Picture of Paul Turner

Paul Turner

Paul Turner co-founded Food for Life Global in 1995. He is a former monk, a veteran of the World Bank, entrepreneur, holistic life coach, vegan chef, and author of 6 books, including, FOOD YOGA, 7 maxims for soul happiness.

MR. Turner has traveled to 72 countries over the last 35 years helping to establish Food for Life projects, train volunteers, and document their success.

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