Food for Life Nepal – 40,000 meals served so far

Kathmandu, Nepal – April 29, 2015 — Food for Life Nepal again got the opportunity to serve the needy in Kathmandu. Volunteers are doing all they can to reach as many people as possible, despite the challenging conditions. Teams are taking turns to cook and distribute hot vegan meals in shifts. “The meals are fresh and nutritious and the volunteers are putting in a full effort to service the victims,” reports Ram Tulasi das from Bhaktipur.

“The more funds we can raise, the more we can serve these people! Please keep sharing your love, care and prayers to the people of Nepal. Please donate. Every dollar makes a huge difference. Nothing is too small.”

Food for Life Nepal – a unique example of non-discriminating food relief


Food for Life Nepal reports: In Sankhu (16 km from Kathmandu), the houses along the road had been destroyed. The debris lay along the pavement of the road. There, the people were without food and shelter. When FFL volunteers went around distributing vegan meals, the people were highly appreciative of the non-discriminatory work done. They praised how this should be the standard for those who were willing to lend a helping hand. Anyone from any religious background or political background or any caste was freely given a healthy portion of food. Upon inquiry, it was found that earlier members of the political parties had come to distribute blankets, packaged food and water, but they singled out their cadres and handed relief materials to them.

We have not come across any other organization that has been providing hot meals to the victims of the earthquake.


As meals were being distributed in Patan, the volunteers came across a well-off family. Unfortunately their dwelling suffered extensive damage and were forced to reside on the road. They had ATM cards but the ATM machines were not operational and they had no money; they had to rely on bitten rice (chiura) provided by the relief workers. When the volunteers gave them hot khichadi (vegetables, bean and rice stew) to them, they were very thankful that they were able to get something hot to eat. Most of the relief workers are providing only dry and packaged food. We have not come across any organization that has been providing hot meals to the victims of the earthquake.

“In Gongabu, a litre of water, which costs Rs.20, was priced at Rs.120 at the day of the earthquake and the following day it was priced at Rs.200 and yet there was a shortage of water. The FFL volunteers have been transporting and providing water from their temple to these places where the government has not yet delivered relief.

So far the Food For Life in Kathmandu and Bhaktapur has served 40,000+ plates of hot vegan meals in shelters and hospitals.

Saturday, 25 April700+
Sunday, 26 April5,500+2,000+
Monday, 27 April10,000+8,000+
Tuesday, 28 April5,000+10,000+


“On Tuesday 28 April, FFL Nepal received 15 doctors from the Bhaktivendanta Hospital, Mumbai, who will be conducting health camps around the affected areas with 20 local doctors. We have also received a supply of 2 tons of grains from our supporters in Kolkata,” he said.


Picture of Paul Turner

Paul Turner

Paul Turner co-founded Food for Life Global in 1995. He is a former monk, a veteran of the World Bank, entrepreneur, holistic life coach, vegan chef, and author of 6 books, including, FOOD YOGA, 7 maxims for soul happiness.

MR. Turner has traveled to 72 countries over the last 35 years helping to establish Food for Life projects, train volunteers, and document their success.

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