Sponsor a Child

Sponsoring a child is one of the most beautiful and generous acts a human can do. Through your sponsorship, together, we can provide a child with hope. We can help to change these children’s lives and support their local community. 

Through your sponsorship of a child, you will help provide them with food, clothing, education, clean water, medical help, and above all else, an opportunity for a better life.

What does it mean to sponsor a child?

Sponsoring a child is a way to significantly help a child in need who has not received the best start in life. With your sponsorship, you can reach out to a child that has suffered a lot throughout their young life.  

Your money can help transform a young person’s life by opening up opportunities to them that they thought they would never have. When you sponsor a child you don’t just lend a hand to them, you also uplift their community. You provide them the opportunity to live a better life in which they can then support their own family and community.  

Why would you sponsor a child?

The benefits a child receives from your sponsorship is endless. You will be breathing new life and opportunities into their world, allowing them to have a standard of life that would never have been possible without your support. 

There are 3 main reasons why sponsoring a child is the best way to help:

  1. You Can Support a Child from Home

As much as we would all love to jet off to communities that are struggling to personally uplift them with our hard work and money, it is just not feasible for most of us. Our demanding lifestyles at home restrict us from doing such things.

You can support these poor children, their families, and their communities, all from the comfort of your own home by sponsoring a child. Our professional team at FFL works hard to do what’s necessary to support that child. We have the people, resources, and expertise to do this on your behalf.

  1. Your Money Impacts Not One But Many

Although you are only required to sponsor one child when agree to support that one child, it begins a ripple effect of positive change. When you support that one child, you help support their family too. A stronger family allows for stronger welfare services in the community.

That one child that is educated can teach his family, his family can teach the community and the community is uplifted as a result. Children that are sponsored have a much better chance of finishing their education. 

Sponsoring a child is not an isolated project, it is a part of a much bigger, multi-faceted mission that aims to help many.

  1. A Personal Connection

When you sponsor a child you are not simply throwing money at an issue, rather you are putting a name to a face and really looking at poverty on a human level. Many sponsors form deep connections with their children, staying in contact, tracking their progress and supporting them along the way. 

Sponsoring a child connects you to a bigger issue. These are real people struggling in real life.

How does sponsoring a child work?

We ask that you commit to donating a certain amount of money each month to sponsor your child. This is usually then taken on a quarterly basis which helps buy essential supplies and cover any education fees required. The aim is to provide each child you sponsor with food, accommodation, and education as a minimum.

Payments are typically made via credit card online choosing between monthly, quarterly or yearly payments.

How long do you sponsor a child for?

The length of time you decide to sponsor a child is totally up to you but we highly recommend that you commit until they at least finish their primary school education. Although it is far more beneficial to sponsor a child up until they finish high school or university. 

Helping a child to finish their education is one of the primary aims of sponsoring a child. When a child finishes their education it gives that child, their family and the community a much brighter future.

Is child sponsorship tax deductible?

It’s possible that your sponsorship payments are tax-deductible depending on your personal tax position. Sponsors will receive an annual tax statement that details all the donations that you have made during the previous year.

Can I send gifts to my sponsor child?

Some sponsors like to send their child gifts from home. It’s worth considering only sending small and light items that are easy to ship such as drawings, photos, letters, stickers, and postcards.

If you wanted to send something extra special, we can make special arrangements to ship your gift to your child. It’s worth noting, however, that large and lavish gifts could have a negative effect such as not passing customs, or causing tension among family members. There is also a chance it could be stolen during the shipping process.

Can I visit my sponsored child?

Of course! There is no greater gift than going overseas to spend time with your sponsored child. They will likely be thrilled that you want to visit. It’s also a wonderful chance for you to see hands-on where your money is going and the reality of the child’s situation.

Those who wish to visit their sponsored child should contact us first to discuss the details and complete any necessary paperwork.

How you could help us now

You can help us right now by choosing to sponsor a child for all the reasons listed above. 

We are always looking for new people to volunteer too. This can be an extremely rewarding experience and gives you the chance to have a direct impact on these children’s lives and their communities. 

If you run your own business or organization we are always looking for new partnerships that can help make a difference together. If you have a product or service that you feel can help us on our mission to uplift people’s lives then we would love to hear from you and discuss how we can work together. We are quite specific about the type of business we want to work with. They include:

  • All vegan product companies
  • Vegan organizations
  • Animal rights organizations


Food For Life serves more meals for less money than any other food relief organization in the world. To continue to do this fantastic work for children in need, we need your donations. All meals served are 100% vegan and cooked fresh on the same day. 

The Food for Life Global mission is to help those who are unable to help themselves by providing them with clean, healthy, and nutritious food. Food is how we choose to support these people but our mission extends beyond that, helping to uplift entire communities of people and giving them opportunities for a better life.

We want to continue with our amazing work but we need your help to do it.

You Can Help!

Support the important work of Food for Life Global to serve its international network of over 200 affiliates in 60 countries.
Food for Life Global is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 36-4887167. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Food For Life Global’s primary mission is to bring about peace and prosperity in the world through the liberal distribution of pure plant-based meals prepared with loving intention.
Picture of Paul Turner

Paul Turner

Paul Turner co-founded Food for Life Global in 1995. He is a former monk, a veteran of the World Bank, entrepreneur, holistic life coach, vegan chef, and author of 6 books, including, FOOD YOGA, 7 maxims for soul happiness.

MR. Turner has traveled to 72 countries over the last 35 years helping to establish Food for Life projects, train volunteers, and document their success.

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