FFL volunteers spread love in Buenos Aires


Argentina is famous for its meat-centred cuisine and has the world’s second highest consumption rate of beef, with yearly consumption at 55 kg per head. In 2006, livestock farmers kept between 50 and 55 million head of cattle, mostly in the fertile pastures of the Pampas. The country is currently the third largest beef exporter in the world after Brazil and Australia.

So it is certainly a “change of pace” to see plant-based cuisine being so welcomed in this country and from all counts, the general public absolutely love the experience.

Food for Life has had a presence in Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina, for decades and their regular distribution of free plant-based meals to the homeless and the inquisitive has helped to open people’s minds to the potential of an all plant-based diet.

Distribution takes place all around the city, but most often at the Plaza Miserere and Chacarita Station. The hundreds of freshly cooked plant-based meals served are always different but typically include curried vegetables, garden salads with vegan mayonnaise, fresh baked herb breads, oat truffles, carob coconut truffles, oatmeal raisin cookies and  fresh lemonade.

“Volunteers of the program are routinely recognized with FFL tshirts or aprons and every week more of them are signing up to help out,” said program spokesperon, Prema Rupa Madhava das.

To learn more about FFL in Argentina and how to volunteer visit their Facebook page.


Picture of Paul Turner

Paul Turner

Paul Turner co-founded Food for Life Global in 1995. He is a former monk, a veteran of the World Bank, entrepreneur, holistic life coach, vegan chef, and author of 6 books, including, FOOD YOGA, 7 maxims for soul happiness.

MR. Turner has traveled to 72 countries over the last 35 years helping to establish Food for Life projects, train volunteers, and document their success.

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