FFL Mexico responds immediately to massive earthquake

Oaxaca, MEXICO: Food for Life Mexico was a first responder to magnitude 7.1 earthquake that rocked Mexico on September 19, the second to strike Mexico in as many weeks, killing at least 230 people in the capital and across five states. Officials said the toll was likely to rise.

Food for Life Mexico, began serving hot vegan meals to people in Ixtaltepec, Tehuantepec, and Juchitan the next day. However, these areas now are very dangerous because of widespread looting and panic.

Around 500 meals are served twice a day to local people who are now living in makeshift tents in front of their destroyed homes. More than 80 percent of the houses are destroyed.

For breakfast, they are serving porridge with raisins and fruits and fresh bread, and in the evening a full meal of rice, vegetables, and dhal.

“Things are absolutely chaotic here,” explained one of the volunteers. We are hardly sleeping. We are so busy now trying to feed people and that begins with trying to find food to make the meals. Everything is destroyed here!”

Apparently, government officials have fear to enter the area because the thieves have been stealing phones and equipment at gunpoint.

FFLG South American Coordinator, Juliana Castaneda Turner reported that the relief teams need better equipment, including larger pots, cooking spoons, refrigerator, and plates. “They are doing the best they can with what they have,” she explained.

Currently, Food for Life Mexico is the only relief organization helping people with food.

Local Krishna monks are also singing to the survivors as they take their meals to raise their spirit.

UPDATE October 14, 2017

Meals continue to go out. Food for Life Global recently contributed $4200 from donations to help continue the work and purchase new equipment, including a new refrigerator and pots.

To help us support this emergency effort, please donate via Food for Life Global’s fiscal partner A Well-Fed World.


Picture of Paul Turner

Paul Turner

Paul Turner co-founded Food for Life Global in 1995. He is a former monk, a veteran of the World Bank, entrepreneur, holistic life coach, vegan chef, and author of 6 books, including, FOOD YOGA, 7 maxims for soul happiness.

MR. Turner has traveled to 72 countries over the last 35 years helping to establish Food for Life projects, train volunteers, and document their success.

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