8 Billion Meals Served by Food for Life Global

Food for Life Global, a Delaware based nonprofit that oversees an international network of 290 projects in 65 countries, recently served the 8 billionth free meal at one of its projects in Nepal.

The charity’s mission is to “Bring about peace and prosperity in the world through the liberal distribution of pure plant-based meals prepared with loving intention.” Food for Life Global pursues its mission by providing organizational and operating support to Food for Life’s vegan hunger relief and disaster relief programs; the nonprofit has been a first responder to some of the world‘s greatest natural disasters, including Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami of 2005.

“We believe the cause of world hunger is not a lack of food, but a lack of unity in the world,” explains Executive Director and founder Paul Rodney Turner. “Food is a carrier of intention, and therefore, we are trying to create a global dinner table where all the world can gather around a healthy, nonviolent meal,” he explains.

The meals served by the charity’s volunteers are freshly cooked, plant-based meals prepared according to local taste. It’s important to note that animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gasses. However, plant-based meals have a much less severe impact on the environment.

Volunteers serve over 1 million meals daily, making FFLG the world’s largest vegan food relief network. This quantity is made possible through the use of highly sophisticated kitchens. In some, 700 liters of rice can be produced in just 15 minutes, and over 50,000 meals can be made per day.

Due to this high efficiency and success rate, the nonprofit has received praise from world leaders such as Nelson Mandela, José Mujica, and Sir Paul McCartney.

“We know 8 billion meals is impressive, but our goal is to end hunger once and for all,” said Turner.

To learn more about Food for Life Global and its mission, visit ffl.org

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+1 202 407 9090

Picture of Paul Rodney Turner

Paul Rodney Turner

Co-founded Food for Life Global in 1995, now known as Food Yoga International. He is a former monk, a keynote speaker, a veteran of the World Bank, social entrepreneur, holistic life coach, and the author of 6 books, including FOOD YOGA, and The 7 Maxims for Soul Happiness.

Mr. Turner has traveled to 72 countries over the last 40 years helping to establish Food Yoga projects, train volunteers, and spread the message of uniting the world with pure food.

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