Paul McCartney supports Food For Life Global

If slaughterhouses had walls made of glass, then a lot of people would not hesitate to go vegetarian. This is perhaps the most famous and truthful line of Sir Paul McCartney on being vegan.

This knighted, singer-songwriter, and world-renowned bass guitarist of the most celebrated band in history, the Beatles, has been a vegetarian since 1975. This started when he saw a horrible scene of lamb limbs in a field as he and his late wife, Linda, were eating a meal made from slaughtered lamb.

Soon after, the couple became committed to veganism and they became huge supporters of animal rights activism.

Even after Linda’s death, Sir Paul McCartney remained vegan. He has been consistent in speaking for the animals and supporting charitable organizations that uphold kindness and gentle care towards the animals and people, especially the global poor. Hence, his support for Food For Life Global.


Paul McCartney


Paul McCartney & Food For Life


Founded in 1974, Food For Life Global (FFLG) is an international charitable and non-profit organization.

For over 45 years, the FFLG has been providing plant-based foods in more than 60 countries all over the globe. It aims to help malnourished and unfortunate or marginalized people, especially those who are in disaster areas.

Sir Paul McCartney is one of the biggest supporters of Food For Life Global. He has been so appreciative of the FFLG’s efforts and the hard work of its volunteers in making the world a peaceful and prosperous place. They achieve this by feeding hundreds and thousands of people with cruelty-free and plant-based, hearty meals.

Recently, Food For Life Global and its affiliate animal sanctuary joined Sir Paul McCartney in launching his campaign in Colombia which is the “Meat-free Monday” project.

The project highlights how eating without meat for at least one day a week can make a great impact on the planet, our health, and even to our pockets.


Paul McCartney supports Food For Life Global


Why is exposure important in influencing people?


The exposure that Sir Paul McCartney brought to Food For Life Global has been so beneficial to the organization’s mission. It’s not just about feeding needy people with healthy meals but also driving capable people to support the cause in making this world a better place.

Also, we’ve seen the positive effects of influential people exposing the hardships of the world—ordinary people who look up to celebrities like Sir Paul McCartney tend to follow his footsteps such as advocating for veganism, speaking up for the global poor, and taking action to create a sustainable future for this planet.

This kind of exposure from role models is driving more people to care for, volunteer, and support charitable organizations like the Food For Life Global—in their own special ways.



Other celebrities and their work for humanity


Fortunately, Sir Paul McCartney is not the only influential person who has a great platform to advocate for a better world.

Below are other remarkable celebrities who contributed their finances, time, and efforts for the common good—the people, animals, and the planet.


Leonardo DiCaprio


It’s been said that Leonardo is saving the planet, one vegan investment at a time. He is not just an award-winning actor, film producer, and environmentalist but he is also a wise investor—investing in promising food companies that are revolutionizing the way the world eats.

Leo is also a beloved philanthropist—supporting orphaned children, funding organizations that send relief to disasters, and helping wildlife and forest rehabilitation.

 Leonardo DiCaprio


Oprah Winfrey


Oprah Winfrey


Oprah Winfrey is such an uplifting talk show host, actress, and media executive. Her opinions and endorsements to influence the public on making good choices in their everyday lives are so powerful, people named it “The Oprah Effect.”

Recently, she went through a 21-day vegan challenge and she expressed her strong advocacy against animal cruelty and urged people to care more for the planet’s future.

Also, she built “Oprah’s Angel Network” to support charitable projects and fund non-profit organizations all over the globe. Her strongest commitment is in South Africa where she brought attention to the predicament of children because of poverty and AIDS.


Ashton Kutcher


One of the most beloved celebrities, Ashton Kutcher, is also a huge advocate and supporter of countless charities, especially when it comes to aiding disasters and helping children.

He advocated for Habitat for Humanity, an organization that provides disaster relief and solves homelessness around the world. In 2008, he was found helping people build homes for destitute people in Central America.

In 2010, Ashton and his wife, Demi Moore, founded the DNA Foundation, which helps drive the cause of child welfare and human rights. The organization also aims to end sexual abuse, modern-day slavery, and human trafficking.


Natalie Portman


Since Natalie Portman was 9 years old, she has chosen to leave animals off her plate. This is because she has such a strong connection with animals. Later on, she identified as a vegan to fight animal cruelty and for the sake of the planet.

She and her kids are vegans while her husband is a vegetarian. This is also the primary reason why Natalie is often the face and voice of the video campaigns for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the largest animal rights organization in the world.

Her documentaries are also well recognized by environmentalist groups because of their strong advocacy on environmental concerns. She is also an Ambassador of Hope for FINCA International, a non-profit and microfinance organization that supports anti-poverty activities.


Brad Pitt


Brad Pitt


Did you know that one of the most famous actors and Hollywood heartthrobs has been vegan for years? Brad Pitt has often commented on how he does not like that his children and wife are eating meat—due to ethical, environmental, and health concerns.

Brad is also an environmental activist citing that methane gases from billions of cattle all over the world are good enough reason why people should go vegan.

Also, Brad Pitt supports various organizations such as the ONE Campaign, an organization aiming to combat poverty and AIDS in developing countries around the globe.


Final thoughts


The world is far from perfect but we’re lucky enough. People like Sir Paul McCartney and other celebrities, who have such wide and impactful influence, are supporting charitable organizations such as the Food For Life Global.

Most importantly, the strongest support comes from ordinary people, such as yourself. Ordinary yet capable people who care enough to make this world a better place for all, one plant-based meal at a time.

If you are looking for your perfect partner who shares these humanitarian passions, and will fight for a better world by your side, check out a vegan speed dating event. This article is also thoughtfully sponsored by the vegan marketers at Ardor SEO.

Picture of Paul Turner

Paul Turner

Paul Turner co-founded Food for Life Global in 1995. He is a former monk, a veteran of the World Bank, entrepreneur, holistic life coach, vegan chef, and author of 6 books, including, FOOD YOGA, 7 maxims for soul happiness.

MR. Turner has traveled to 72 countries over the last 35 years helping to establish Food for Life projects, train volunteers, and document their success.

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