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Our Director’s book
If you want to get your feet wet first, a new book by Paul Turner, the director of Food Yoga International will get you on the right track.
How to Build a Great Food Relief Project is more than a quick reference guide for the budding humanitarian. The 10 ingredients of success contained within the pages of this book will change the way you view food from that of a bodily requirement to a powerful medium for transformation. Like the companion, FOOD YOGA, this book is a non-sectarian, all-inclusive, step-by-step plan for uniting your entire community. Apply the lessons systematically and your success is assured.
Since the early years of my career with Food Yoga International, it has been my passion to share the joy of hospitality as taught to me by my peers and within the teachings of the ancient Indian literature.
One of the key teachings of this literature is that all sentient beings are essentially equal and thus intimately connected through a beautiful symbiotic web of service. Essentially, we are all one big family, seemingly separated by race, gender and species, but in reality, inseparable and interdependent.
With this understanding, I felt the need to expand the scope of the Food Yoga International charity to a social change movement that anyone could embrace and participate in.
What you have here is a condensed instructional booklet that can serve to empower you and your friends, church, or community group to start your very own feeding program based on the same principles that govern every Food Yoga International program. It is my hope that your project will become an affiliate of the founding charity.
As I meditated on these ideas, it became more and more obvious to me that fulfilling them was far beyond the capacity of one charitable organization, but in truth required a more expansive and dynamic approach—an approach that would demand openness, love, and faith.
I realized that at the heart of these instructions was the need for people to understand the concept of “pure” food and its capacity to elevate consciousness. “We simply have to share this knowledge and let go,” I thought. This belief led me to write a book, FOOD YOGA to teach people how to make food an essential part of their daily ritual, and then to write this companion booklet, which focuses on the practical execution of pure food distribution to the public.
In truth, however, this booklet is an updated and modified version of the one I wrote for our volunteers in 1996. The subject matter has been expanded, but the essential message remains the same, and the ingredients I share as my formula for success are as they were back then with only minor modifications.
Finally, I feel the need to stress the absolute necessity that any project wishing to affiliate with Food Yoga International must serve only plant-based foods. The reasons for this mandate are many, foremost of which is that there is no justification for taking the life of an innocent animal for food. Such cruelty flies in the face of the Food Yoga International philosophy—that all living beings are created equal and should be respected as such. I have shared some additional reasons in a later chapter.
Moreover, no new project will be recognized as an affiliate of Food Yoga International unless it complies with a non-violence policy in relation to food production, selection, preparation, and serving.
On behalf of Food Yoga International volunteers around the world, I thank you for your sincere desire to make a positive difference in the world.
– Paul Rodney Turner
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