Miyagi, Japan — Food for Life Global affiliate FFL Japan provided thousands of kgs of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as cooked vegetarian dinners to survivors living in shelters in Wataricho Shiyakysho in the Miyagi-ken district for many months following the devastating tsunami. To make the food a special offering to the people of Miyagi, volunteers first unloaded the produce inside the ISKCON Cultural Centre temple and offered prayers so that the food was blessed and energetically purified. “We call this high energy food,” said temple president, Naganatana Das. “By doing this the food becomes nourishing for body, mind and soul, he explained.” The produce was then loaded back onto the truck in preparation for the long 5 hour drive the following morning.
FFL Director for Japan, Shrikant Shah, talks about the food distribution.
Samples of all the fruits and vegetables were prayed over in the ISKCON Cultural Centre FFL Global director for Japan, Shrikant Shah commented. “Our aim is to continue this effort for the next 6 weeks and hopefully beyond,” he explained. The task of acquiring so much produce, purifying it and then making the long treck to Miyagi every Sunday is a huge task for this small group of volunteers. Food for Life Japan is a very small NGO with only a handful of fulltime volunteers. “Most of the help is coming from members of the Indian business community who are donating money and their valuable time to keep the effort going,” said Volunteer coordinator Madhu Mangala Das. “Even their children are getting involved.”
Donate directly to Food for Life Japan Donate through Food for Life Global – Emergency Fund (tax deductible with the USA).