Food for Life Global’s affiliates in Califormia, Drum, Dance, Pray is uniting with diverse organizations, communities, musicians, drum circles and artists promoting FFLG’s message of unity and equality.
50 states each hosting a Sunday world peace event.
To invite all 195 Countries to organize a four hour drum circle event each Sunday uniting in their own time zones with Drumcircle, weekly reports from humanitarian, and environmental spokespersons for all countries. The planet unites and the planet communicates create the world we want to live in. Food for Life Global West Coast Rep, Punya Das is the brains and heart behind the drum, dance and pray project that is bringing together people from every demographic to sing, dance and pray for world peace and unity.
The website of the project boldly claims:”We are servants of world peace; praying for an end to all wars, hunger, malnutrition, starvation, and homelessness inspiring the development of a pure relationship with Mother Earth.” LA locals RSVP and International our page and support global unity! Time Is Now Cooperative.