You have probably heard the term “food insecurity” before, but you may be wondering what it means. So, what is food insecurity exactly? Many people can go to a grocery store or supermarket to buy the food they need. However, not everyone enjoys this privilege. When people do not have access to a sufficient supply …
Satisfying hunger is a priority that must be done in order to secure survival. According to a renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow in his Humanistic-dynamic Theory, the most basic of all needs is the physiological need — that highlights food to fill the stomach. Truth to be told, not all are fed, like the migrants coming …
MILLIONS OF BOYS AND GIRLS ARE AT RISK – IN CHAD, WE FIND ONE OF THE WORLD’S MOST-PRESSING HUMANITARIAN SITUATIONS The numbers of displaced children, refugee children, and children living without access to education in the Lake Chad Region are staggering. Violence in the region has closed 1,000 schools, and educational opportunities for 3.5 million …
A talk I gave at the cafe 360 to open the Food Surplus Network in Ljubljana, Slovenia in October 2015. To learn more on this see Paul’s article. John Robbins, the author of the best-selling Diet for a New America, writes: “The existence of so much hunger in the world is a reality we cannot …
I have been running charities since 1989 when I registered by my first non-profit in Australia, called Hare Krishna Food for Life Hunter Valley. Back then I was a monk and while full of enthusiasm, I had much to learn when it came to donor relations. You can’t just expect people to give without asking …
EPISODE 108 Interview with Paul Rodney Turner If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element Prefer to download? Download Paul Rodney Turner, the “Food Yogi” is the international director of Food for Life and the co-founder of Food for Life Global, the world headquarters for the charity. Food for …
If there is one thing absolute in this world it is that food has the power to unite. And the recent floods that devastated parts of the Balkans is a case in point. People from all ethnicities are reaching out to help their “brothers” and “sisters.” Using the purest food (prasadam) to create peace and …
Malnutrition is a far greater problem than world hunger. Why? Because even if a person gets sufficient quantities of food, they can still be undernourished and thus subject to chronic disease, if the food they consume does not provide the proper amounts of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to meet their daily nutritional requirements. In other words, being …
Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013) was a great supporter and believer in what Food for Life stood for. He made the above statement at a gathering of 50,000 school children in 1997 who were invited by Food for Life to a public picnic in Durban called the “Festival for the Children of the Rainbow Nation” …
Food Safety Management Standards at every stage of Procurement, Operations and Dispatch – It is our sustained effort to establish smooth and consistent work processes. At Annamrita, we believe that if the processes are correct, then the outcome will be perfect. While our Khichdi (the outcome) is nutritious, healthy and often praised by many, very …
Do you have the courage and enthusiasm to start your very own Food for Life program? A new book by Paul Turner, the director of Food for Life will get you on the right track. How to Build a Great Food Relief Project is more than a quick reference guide for the budding humanitarian. The …
Food for Life Global welcomes Windowfarms as one of our affiliates. Windowfarms are vertical, hydroponic, modular, low-energy, high-yield edible window gardens built using low-impact or recycled local materials. A Windowfarm makes it easier for anyone to get started growing hydroponically even in the limited space of an apartment, during fall, winter, and spring months. Newly …
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